Sunday, August 29, 2010

All about water, charity:water

Did you know that nearly one billion people around the globe don't have access to clean drinking water?

Not a million, but a billion, with a "b."  

To give you a better idea of how many people that really is: 1 in every 8 people on the planet must go without clean, safe water to drink.

charity:water is a non-profit organization dedicated to bringing clean water to these people in need.  The organization is doing more than simply quenching peoples' thirst, however.  charity:water is improving the overall well-being of communities in developing countries by building freshwater wells and hand-washing stations.  These new facilities will help: prevent disease, protect women and children, promote equality, and increase food supply


It is crazy to think that water, our most basic need, is often the cause of disease, and even death.  In fact, 80% of all disease worldwide is caused by a lack of safe water and basic sanitation.  Roughly 42,000 deaths occur every week.  If that statistic alone isn't shocking enough, children under the age of 5 make up 90% of these deaths.  This is because children are especially susceptible to disease.  Their bodies are too weak to fight off the usually preventable diseases. 

These diseases include:
  • E. coli
  • Salmonela typhi
  • Schistosoma 
  • Cholera vibrios
  • Hepatitis A

According to the UN, "one tenth of the global disease burden can be prevented simply by improving water supply and sanitation."


Women & Children
In many developing countries, the responsibility of water collection falls on women and children.  This means that they are forced to walk several miles, there to and back from the closest water source.  It is very likely that this water is unsanitary and will make them sick.  

The long walk takes a great toll on the lives of these women and children....
  • The time spent walking keeps women away from their families and children out of school.
  • In order to transport water back to their communities, they must haul up to 40 pounds on their backs.  This leads to spine and back problems at a young age.  
  • During the walk, they must often endure harassment and sexual assault 

With clean water closer to their communities, women and children will only have to walk for about 15 minutes instead of 3 hours.  Women will be able to stay at home and care for their families and children will be able to go to school and get an education. 

                               Gender Equality

In many of the communities where charity:water projects are set up, men and women are not treated equally.  One of charity:water's goals is to bring some equality to these places.

In each community, both men and women take part in the construction and maintenance of water projects.  After the facilities are built, a water committee is put into place.  The community elects the 6 to 10 people that make up this committee.  For many women, being a part of this committee is their first opportunity to be in a leadership role.  

Food Supply

food.jpgWater projects can help increase the food supply in the communities where they are built.  People can use the water to grow small gardens close to their homes.  With their own food supply secured, they can feed their families and sell extra food at the local market.  

The Future of charity:water

In the short 4 years of the organization's existence, charity:water has helped an impressive amount of people.  At the end of 2009, charity:water served its first 1 million people.  Even still, more needs to be done.

It is estimated that the world's population is going to grow by 3 billion in the next 40 years.  90% of this growth is expected to happen in developing countries where people are already scrounging for water to drink.

If you want to become a part of this great cause, there are many ways to help.  You can:

  • start a fundraising campaign
    • help raise money and collect donations
    • go to
  • donate 
    • $20 can give one person clean water for 20 years
    • go to
  • wear charity:water gear
    • help spread the word about the organization and the need for clean water
    • go to


Information and photos courtesy of charity:water (